Received Your Gallery, now what?

You planned all the outfits, payed for the session, completed your photo session and received your gallery. Now what?

Odds are your photographer guarantees saving your images for a certain amount of time that is listed in their contract so you can’t bank on photographers saving your images forever. It is your responsibility to save and protect your beautiful images.

The first thing you should do after you received your online digital gallery is protect your life moments! Here is my fool proof way to make sure these digital images are safe for years to come!

  1. Download your images

  2. Save your images on multiple hard drives & flash drives. I always triple save my images because let’s face it, tech fails! I DO NOT recommend only saving on your laptop because if your computer crashes you can say bye to your photos.

  3. Keep one hard drive at your home and have the others at different friend and family members homes. This ensure that there are safe copies heaven forbid your house floods or catches fire. For my business I store all hard drives in a fireproof and waterproof safe.

Here are my product recommendations for clients to use to protect their images.

External Hard Drive WD 1TB My Passport, Portable External Hard Drive

Flash Drive SanDisk 128GB Ultra Flair USB 3.0 Flash Drive

Safe SentrySafe Fireproof and Waterproof Safe


Branding Photos at South Light Studio in Cleveland


Photography Essentials / Home Office edition